Senin, 12 November 2018

TASK 3 Meetings and Socializing

Nisa is a customer service at the Homescapes Company. Homescapes is a service company that provides  internet and tv cable.
On Tuesday morning, Nisa received a complaint from a customer named Mr. John. Mr.John has been a Homescapes customer since 2 years ago. However, in the last 2 weeks after being upgraded the internet in his home has been disrupted. This caused Mr. John to not be able to access the internet and could not do his work. Mr. John complained a week ago, but the Company advised Mr. John to send an email regarding the details of the complaint and address of Mr. John. However, until now the e-mail was not responded to so that Mr. John reconnected to Homescapes.
Nisa as a Customer Service responded to Mr. John's complaint. Nisa asked Mr. John if he had paid the bill this month, but Mr. John said that he had made payments on time. Nisa then advised Mr. John to check the internet cable whether there was something disconnected or squashed. Mr. John said that the cable situation was fine and the problems that occurred were due to internal problems.
Mr. John was very disappointed because his complaint was not responded to from 2 weeks ago and threatened to publish the issue on social networks. Mr. John expects the presence of technicians from Homescapes Company as soon as possible to improve internet network at his home because it is very needed. Nisa then asked for time to solve the problem and promised to call Mr. John again, Mr. John agreed.
At lunch hour, Nisa told Husna as her office partner about Mr. John’s complaints. Nisa is worried that Mr. John will actually publish his complaint on social networks. This is expected to cause other customers who experienced similar things to follow Mr. John to publish their respective problems. This certainly will make the company's image worse.
Husna gave a suggestion to complain about the matter to Ms. Dhea as the head of the Customer Service department. Nisa followed the Husna's advice, then when lunch time was over Nisa complained to Ms. Dhea, then after she hear complaints submitted by Nisa, Ms. Dhea immediately contacted Ms. Dwi as the head of technicians and Mr. Juang as the head of the Technical Service section and invited them to gather several employees involved in the matter.
All parties involved finally gathered and held a meeting that day. Ms. Dhea started the meeting by telling Nisa to explain the problem that was happening. After Nisa finished explaining the problem, many debates took place. One of them, there are still many customers who complain about the problem. Ms. Dhea was disappointed because she felt the technician team was slow in handling it. 
Ms.Dwi denied that her team handled the case slowly. According to her, the technician team has worked optimally. Ms. Dhea still doubts Ms. Dwi because there are still many customers who complain about the problem. So that Ms. Yani brokered the debate by providing solutions to both parties. What if the problem happened to Mr. John resolved first, so that Mr. John does not publish problems that occur in social networks. After Mr. John's problem is over, it is better for the head of the technician to divide the team into several groups so that the problems that occur can be resolved quickly and well. From the customer service side and the technician agreed to the solution, then the meeting was ended.

           1.      Aisyah Husna Amaliyah (20216432)
           2.      Dhea Widia Lestari (21216929)
           3.      Dwi Lestari (22216194)
           4.      Nur Annisa Rahmawati (25216531)
           5.      Rahmat Juang Rizki Syah P (26216001)
           6.      Yani Aprianingsih (27216719)

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