Senin, 03 Juni 2019

Tugas Akhir Bahasa Inggris Bisnis 2#

    Does Money Bring Me Goodness or Badness?

    Everyone has their own opinions about the meaning of money for their lives. Life always has two different sides. Maybe for some people money can bring goodness, but for some people money can bring badness. There are many people who have money but feel lonely around me. Money is not everything, but everything needs money. 
     In my opinion, money is very relative because it can be goodness and badness. Sometimes, money can make me happier which means bring a goodness. With money, I can buy all my needs. It feels difficult if you live without money. If there is money left over, I can save it and I can use it later. Having a lot of money makes me excited to share with other people. Money teaches me to be a wiser person, managing strategies, saving money, and many others. 
     Money can be very bad for some people. Many people abuse money, for example; bribe other people, to brag before other people, or etc. So far I feel the goodness of money more than badness. But the other side money can bring badness. Having a lot of money makes me more wasteful and tends to buy things that are not needed.


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